How to Determine Which Grip Is Best

Golf Grip Interlock Vs Overlap: How to Determine Which Grip is Best?

The game of golf requires a high degree of precision and accuracy. One of the most critical aspects of your golf game is your grip on the club. A proper grip can help you achieve better swing speed, more accurate shots, and lower scores.

In this article, we will compare Golf Grip Interlock Vs Overlap and tell you which might be best for you.

What Is the Golf Grip Interlock, And How Does It Work?

What Is the Golf Grip Interlock, And How Does It Work

The first and second fingers should go through the V formed by the index finger and thumb. The top of those two fingers should line up with the bottom of your thumb.

Next, place your remaining fingers around your hands as though you were wearing a very thin glove. You’ll notice that some parts of your writing will be touching more than others.

Most golfers find that the interlocking grip is best for them because it gives your hands a more solid connection. This allows you to accomplish more consistent results with your swing and leads to fewer off-center hits.

What is The Golf Grip Overlap, And How Does It Work?

What is The Golf Grip Overlap, And How Does It Work

The overlap grip is a different concept. Instead of your fingers resting in a V, you should lace them together as though you were going to pray. The top of the index finger and thumb should be touching rather than creating a gap between them.

The overlap grip is more difficult to master than the interlock because it requires the hands and arms to work together. This works great for some players, but others might find their shots aren’t as consistent using this grip.

Golf Grip Interlock Vs Overlap: How to Decide Which Is Better?

Golf Grip Interlock Vs Overlap: How to Decide Which Is Better?

There are several things for consideration before choosing a grip. Here are the most important ones:

1. Hand Size

People with small hands often benefit from the interlocking grip. The further apart your fingers are, the more room there will be for them to slide around on the club.

A narrower gap can help you better connect with the club, which leads to more consistent shots.

2. Hand Strength

A weaker grip is best for ladies and seniors. This is because there are fewer muscles in your hands, so it will be more challenging to hold the club with an overlapping grip.

The interlock isn’t quite as popular among this crowd but can still help you connect your shots better.

3. Arm Length

Short arms might benefit from using the interlocking grip. Since you’ll be holding the club further away from your body, there will be less of a chance that the club will cross over in front of you.

This can help prevent unexpected results like slices or hooks with longer arms.

4. Arm Width

The wider your arms are, the more difficult it would be to use an overlapping grip. Having your arms in a prayer position can cause the club to swing wide and miss its intended target.

This is why many more significant people tend to prefer the interlocking grip.

5. Putting Technique

People with an in-to-in putting stroke should use an overlapping grip because of the length of their arms when they’re standing behind the ball.

This is because it keeps the club from crossing your body and keeps your hands farther apart when you’re putting them without having to choke up on the grip.

6. Athletic Ability

Overlap grips are preferred by athletes who can swing the club at high speeds. This is because they can generate that speed with their arms and hands, so it will be easier for them to break down the grip during impact.

The interlock might cause you to lose some of your power if you don’t have good hand and arm strength.

What are The Benefits of Each Type of Grip?

What are The Benefits of Each Type of Grip

There are pros and cons to each of these grips. Here are a few of the most important things to consider to find the best grip for you:

Grip Interlock Pros

  • More control with your shots
  • Less challenging to master
  • Easier alignment with your clubface when lining up a shot

Grip Interlock Cons

  • Might be too tight for players with smaller hands
  • Can ruffle your nerves in high-pressure situations

Grip Overlap Pros

  • Breaks down less when under pressure
  • Allows for more wrist action during the swing, which can add distance to your shots.

Grip Overlap Cons

  • Not as easy to master the timing of the grip
  • It feels very awkward for beginners or players with small hands
  • Less control over your shots (especially off-center ones)

When to Use Each Type of Grip?

When to Use Each Type of Grip

The grip you use will depend on two main things: you’re playing style and your physical features. You should look at yourself and determine which of these grips is best for you.

  • For more consistency with your shots, you might want to try the interlocking grip
  • If your arms are short, it might be better for you to use an overlapping grip
  • If you have more extensive hands, then go with the interlocking grip
  • A golfer with longer arms might prefer the overlap grip because it keeps their hands farther apart during the swing
  • The player using a putting style of stroke should consider utilizing an overlapping grip
  • Those who want more control over their shots should use an interlocking grip
  • Professionals or amateurs who are strong with their hands might prefer an overlapping grip.
  • Athletes can often use an overlapping grip better than most other players.
  • Those who have less hand strength might prefer the interlocking grip.
  • If you’re struggling with slicing or hooking your shots, it may be best for you to try out the interlocking grip.

Golf Tips for Beginners On How to Hold a Club Properly

First, you have to decide which type of grip is best for you. Once you’ve decided on that, it’s time to hold the club correctly.

  1. The index finger of your right hand should be wrapped around the grip so it’s underneath your middle finger
  2. Rest both hands where the putter meets the grip
  3. Your thumbs should be touching one another. It might feel weird at first, but the more you practice it, the better it will feel.
  4. The grip pressure should correspond to your skill level. Professionals often use their whole hands during the swing, so beginners should use just their fingertips to hold onto the club.
  5. Your left hand should be holding onto the grip as well, but only with the space between your forefinger and thumb. The grip of the club will fit neatly into this slight gap.
  6. Both hands’ pressure should be used to control the swing rather than adding power to it. You’ll want a firm grip on the club, but you don’t want it to be too strong. If you add too much pressure, your shots will suffer, and you could end up with a lot of slice or hook problems.

How to Test If My Golf Grip Is Correct?

One easy way to see if your grips are correct is by doing this simple test:

1. Take a golf club and hold it as you usually would when you grip the club.

2. Let your arms hang at your sides, and make sure they’re relaxed.

3. Shift the weight from your right to left leg, and do this repeatedly while keeping the club in place.

4. Your hands should stay in place the entire time. If they move with your arms, you need to adjust your grip.

5. Make sure that the club isn’t too tight or loose for this test. You want it to be comfortable, but if it’s falling out of your hands, it’s too loose, and if your fingers are turning white, then it’s too tight.


Now that you know how to grip a golf club properly, it’s time to go out and practice. These tips should help you get started, but feel free to experiment with different grips until you find the one that works best for you. Remember, the key is to keep your arms relaxed and use just enough pressure so that you maintain control over your shots. Once you’ve got your grip down, all that’s left is plenty of practice on the green. Good luck and happy swinging.

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