milled vs insert putters

Milled vs Insert Putters : What are The Differences?

The putter is one of the most essential parts of your golf game. A good putter can make a huge difference in how well you play and how much fun you have on the course.

Generally, golfers should use putters that feel comfortable, depending on their size and grip style. However, inserts and milled putters are the two main types of putters. In this article, we’ll explore the difference between milled putters and insert putters.

Milled vs Insert Putters : Understanding Their Differences

Milled vs Insert Putters – Understanding Their Differences

It is important to be knowledgeable about the differences between milled and insert golf putters, and below is a comparison of the two types of putters.

Materials and Design

The first difference between milled and insert putters is how they are designed. Milled golf putters are made from a single piece of high-quality steel, whereas an insert golf putter is made of rubber, aluminum compound, or synthetic material. Insert golf putters have a softer insert surrounding the golf ball when it is hit.


The two types of putters also feel different during the golf swing. Milled golf putters have a milled pattern on the face to make them feel better and sound better.

Insert golf putters tend to be lighter and easier to control because they feature softer materials that compress easily to get greater distance.



Insert putters are typically longer than milled golf putters, which means that your distance while putting will be greater with an insert golf putter.

Milled putters usually lie flat on the green after impact, while insert golf putters tend to roll better along the grass for a more consistent roll and greater distance at long ranges.


Depending on your golfer type, you might prefer one type of putter over the other. Milled putters offer better control because they tend to lie flat and roll more consistently than insert golf putters.

Insert putters allow for greater distance because they are lighter and less compact than milled putters, but they lack the tight control that milled putters provide.


Milled putters are typically heavier than insert golf putters because they feature a single piece of steel, whereas an insert golf putter is made of softer materials.

This can help you to time your swing and stay balanced for a better golfing experience on the green.


Milled putters are made of steel, so they’re more durable than insert golf putters. However, as insert putters are typically much lighter, they can be damaged more efficiently if they’re dropped or hit hard. For this reason, it’s essential to keep your insert golf putter away from trees and other hard objects.



The grip on your putter is imperative, but it’s also one of the most personal aspects of your game. Milled putters typically come with a rubberized grip to improve traction and feel, but insert golf putters feature softer inserts that may not be as comfortable for some players.

Inserts are also designed to compress easily, which might be a positive or negative aspect depending on your taste in grips.

Sound of the Putter

Milled golf putters tend to make a better sound when you strike the ball, and this is because they have a milled face that creates a crisper golf shot.

Insert golf putters can be designed to provide more consistency and distance, but this often results in a less satisfying sound when the ball hits the putter.

In addition, different golf putters produce different sounds depending on their material. Some players may appreciate this difference, but others could find it distracting.

Ball Rolling

The type of putter you buy will also affect the ball roll, which can be positive or negative depending on your taste.

Milled putters typically lie flatter on the ground, which leads to more consistent rolls in different conditions. Insert golf putters tend to roll better when there is a firm green and bad weather because they compress more easily.

Which One Would be Better?

Which One Would be Better

Milled putters offer better control with a heavy steel body, but insert putters allow greater distance. Insert-putters are lighter and therefore easier to bring around the green, but they provide less stability through your swing.

Milled putters also tend to have a tighter feel during the swing because of their single piece of metal construction. In contrast, insert golf putters can be designed with soft, springy materials that reduce their accuracy.

Milled putters provide better feedback than insert-putters because they produce a more crisp sound. On the other hand, insert-putters can be designed to provide more consistency and distance but might not offer as much feedback as milled putters.

Ultimately it’s really up to you which type of putter you prefer. They both have pros and cons, but essential aspects are comfort and performance on the green.


Here we have compiled some FAQs that we hope you will find helpful.

Is It Better to Have a Softer Grip on My Insert Putter?

Insert-putters can be designed with different types of grips, so it really depends on your preference. Some players prefer soft inserts that compress easily, while others swear by more rigid materials that offer more stability and control through the swing.

What Is the Best Material for an Insert Putter?

There are many different types of inserts that can be used in insert-putters, so there is no single answer to this question. Some players prefer soft rubber compounds because they provide more forgiveness and control.

Other players prefer metal inserts because of their firmness and consistency. A few manufacturers even use different materials for the top and bottom halves of the insert golf putter, such as a hard inner material with a soft outer layer.

The best type of insert-putter is mostly up to personal preference but will be based off characteristics like sound, feel, and weight.

How Does the Length of a Putter Affect Its Accuracy?

The length of your putter will largely be based on your height and arm length, but it’s also important to keep in mind that the longer the putter is, the less accurate it will be for shorter swings. Try to find a balance between accuracy and comfort when choosing a length for your putter.

What Type of Grip Material is Best for an Insert Putter?

There are many different types of grips that can be applied to inserts, so it really just comes down to preference.

Some players prefer firm rubber materials that provide more control over their swing speed, while other players prefer softer materials that compress more quickly when they make contact with the ball. Again, this will largely depend on your personal preference and experience level.

I’m Taller So Do I Need to Use a Longer Putter?

You may want to consider using a longer putter if you are very tall, but it’s important to remember that new players often struggle with this length of putter. A longer putter can cause problems if you fail to compensate for it and swing the wrong way.

Most players should be fine with a standard or mid-length putter that provides them with more control over their strokes.

You will need a putter with a maximum length of 35 inches if you are 6 feet or more tall. If you are 5’9″ to 6 feet tall, you will need a putter with a maximum length of 34 inches. It is important to buy the right size for your height to ensure that you can successfully use it.


Milled putters and insert-putters both have many different pros and cons, but they also provide their own unique benefits as well. Both types of putter can be effective if you select one that fits your needs and experience level. We hope this article has been helpful so you can feel more comfortable when selecting a putter that is right for you.

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